Grateful for my Family

Growing up, my house overflowed with creativity. The act of creating was woven into my environment. So making art became second nature for me - the proverbial soil I rooted into, like dark, rich humus. My hands became accustomed to ironing cloth, or “playing with clay” as my Grandma Jackie would say. Creativity was so abundant that I got to meet the spirit of experimentation. “What would happen if I improvised the pattern this way?” my mom might say. Or, “Why don’t you try making a scribble drawing?” my grandma would ask. 

Observing my family’s creativity taught me about problem solving, ingenuity, openness, and surrender to the process of art. I learned it is ok to try something new and to allow the result to be what it is. That perfection is not required. All we need to do is show up and begin.

I am smiling as I think of my sister’s singing and piano playing and quilting, my dad’s reading and haiku, my mom’s sewing and knitting (she made us Halloween costumes by hand!), my maternal Grandma Adele’s weaving and gardening, and my paternal Grandma Jackie’s painting and clay work. 

The truth is that we all possess a unique spark of inspiration, a signature way to express beauty. My family showed me what it looks like to engage with color, sound, form, and nature. What a gift to be nurtured by this creative abundance. May we all have access to supporters that spark our creative flame!

with Love,





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